infectious disease

Zika Outbreak In Singapore Alarms Region

The number of Zika cases in the country surged to 275 in just ten days from the start of the outbreak on August 27.

These Countries Are At Greatest Risk Of Zika, Study Shows

India, China, the Philippines, Indonesia, Nigeria, Vietnam, Pakistan, and Bangladesh are expected to be at greatest risk of Zika virus transmission because of their limited health resources.

Takeda To Develop Zika Vaccine With $19.8m BARDA Funding

The US$19.8 million initial funding will cover the development of a Zika vaccine through to a Phase I clinical trial.

Zika 101: What Is Zika & How To Protect Against It

Here are the recommendations from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on preventing, controlling and treating Zika.

5 Steps To Prevent Zika Virus Infection

Here are five practical steps you can take to protect yourself and your family members against Zika infections.

There Are Way More TB Cases In India Than Estimated: Study

Research suggests that the number of TB cases in India may be twice or thrice current estimates.

How Obesity Contributes To Severe Infections

In obese mice, deficiencies in a hormone secreted by fat cells impair the formation of infection-fighting white blood cells, researchers have found.

Malaria’s Best Defense Is Also Its Achilles’ Heel

Mutations to a protein that enables the malaria parasite to evade several anti-malarial drugs can make it vulnerable to other drugs, a study has found.

Deadly Bacteria Can Reach The Brain In Just 24 Hours

The deadly bacteria can be picked up by a simple sniff and travel to the brain and spinal cord in just 24 hours, a new study finds.