Making Vital Signs Monitoring Accessible And Affordable
Technological advancements can make non-invasive vital signs monitoring available for everyone, removing the inconvenience of traditional monitoring methods.
Innovating Sustainable Packaging For A Cleaner Future
With innovation at the core of what they do, Singaporean packaging companies play a crucial role in ushering in a plastic-free future.
Bolstering Healthcare Leadership
A ‘double crown’ accredited Australian business school launches a new master’s degree in Singapore to develop the next generation of healthcare leaders, policymakers, managers, analysts and economists.
Tapping Into Nature To Address Peritoneal Adhesion
Using pollen grains, the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) and local startup Sporogenics have teamed up to develop a hydrogel film with superior properties to prevent this post-surgery complication.
Riding The Wave Of Modern Aquaculture
Experts at IPI’s Sustainable Aquaculture Water Management Roundtable discussed Singapore’s emerging water treatment and monitoring solutions.
Igniting Innovation—An Interview With Richard Eu Of Eu Yan Sang International
In a rapid transition from traditional medical halls to numerous international outlets and an online store, embracing innovation has catapulted Eu Yan Sang into a household name in traditional Chinese medicine.
Nuts & Bolts – Data-driven Decisions For Industry Advancements
With the help of new Industry 4.0 technologies, companies can advance manufacturing, development and distribution processes with ease.
The Rise Of Digital Therapeutics
Diagnosis and treatment are increasingly delivered by innovative apps and devices as digitalization and personalization take centre stage in modern healthcare.
Singapore Recognizes Two Researchers With 2022 President’s Science And Technology Awards
Two researchers were presented with the President’s Science and Technology Awards for their exceptional contributions to Singapore’s research and development ecosystem.