Moving The Needle In Liquid Biopsy

Twist Bioscience is optimizing cancer research workflows with a new library preparation kit and improved reference standard for next-generation sequencing of cell-free DNA.

Empty syringes

Turning The Tide On Dengue: How Climate Change, Urbanization And Innovation Shape Control Strategies

Tackling dengue requires a holistic approach—integrating immunization through vaccines and community-driven initiatives can nip dengue in the bud.

The Promise Of CAR T-cell Therapy In The Fight Against Cancer

CAR T-cell therapy is becoming an effective alternative for treating diffuse large B-cell lymphoma—offering better outcomes for patients with relapsed or refractory disease.

Supporting Women In STEM

As part of a continuing effort to bridge the gender gap for women scientists, L’Oréal Singapore celebrated three outstanding women researchers in the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science 2023 program. Dr Leow Wan Ru, Dr Yang Le and Dr Xue Shifeng each received S$10,000 to advance their research.

Sequencing Gets Personal

Twist Bioscience introduces highly customizable sequencing panels, taking personalized diagnostics to the next level.

How Digital PCR Unlocks Scientific Possibilities

Digital PCR has emerged as a powerful new tool in research. QIAGEN takes it a step further with its robust, scalable and well-integrated nanoplate-based digital PCR system.

Getting To The Root Of Southeast Asia’s Cassava Concerns

In the wake of damage caused by cassava mosaic disease and cassava witches’ broom disease in Southeast Asia, researchers are developing disease-resistant varieties and speeding up the production of healthy cassava stem cuttings.

Towards A Rosy Outlook For The Asian Rosewood Populations

Illegal logging of rosewood threatens not just the biodiversity, but communities living in forested areas as well. The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT is working in the lab and with farmers to combat this threat.

Refining RNA Sequencing

Twist Bioscience strengthens its next-generation sequencing capabilities with the launch of a dedicated suite of RNA sequencing solutions.

MOTIVATE: Empowering Stroke Survivors To Stay Physically Active

Co-designed with stroke survivors, MOTIVATE is a multisector collaborative initiative for stroke recovery led by the Singapore Institute of Technology.