
A Low Energy Way To Wake IoT Sensors Up

A team of scientists has developed a wake-up timer that cuts power consumption of Internet of Things sensor nodes by 1,000 times.

Sensor Could Grant Robots A ‘Human Touch’

A research group in South Korea has invented a device capable of measuring surface textures with high accuracy.

Have You Seen The Future Of Medicine?

Tiny sensors, wearable health trackers and health data analysis platforms were among the technologies featured at TechInnovation 2018.

Skin Hardness A Better Measure Of Body Temperature

Scientists in South Korea have found that human body temperature can be better estimated by measuring skin hardness in addition to skin temperature and sweat rate.

Tracking Oxygen Levels In Living Cells

Scientists have developed a genetically-encoded sensor that can be used to monitor changes in oxygen levels in living cells with high sensitivity and in real time.

Old Age, New Tech

As the silver tsunami hits shores across the globe, robots and other assistive technologies are being deployed to meet the needs of the elderly.

How To Navigate A City Without Getting Lost

Researchers in Hong Kong have developed an alternative positioning system based on ID plates for buildings, shops and offices, allowing for more precise location tracking.

A Real-Time Inflammation Sensor That Fits In A Catheter

A team of researchers in Hong Kong has developed an ultra-thin and flexible sensor that makes inflammation testing 30 times faster.

Printable Sensors Sniff Out Rotten Food

A research group in China has developed a wireless sensing device that detects odors from meat which has gone bad.