
Innate Lymphoid Cells Suppress Gut Inflammation

Scientists in China have identified a subpopulation of innate lymphoid cells that suppress inflammation in the gut.

Pain Neurons Protect Bone From Fungal Invaders

More than just sensing pain, pain neurons can inhibit inflammation and bone destruction during fungal infections.

Tadamitsu Kishimoto Receives 2017 King Faisal International Prize

Professor Tadamitsu Kishimoto has been awarded the King Faisal International Prize for Medicine for his role in developing therapies for autoimmune diseases.

RNAi Used To Treat Eye Inflammation

Researchers have successfully used proline-modified short hairpin RNA targeting (pro)renin to treat eye inflammation in mice.

How Inflammation Causes Aging

Controlling intestinal inflammation could be one way to prevent aging, at least in mice.

This Chip Can Detect Inflammation In Diabetics

Researchers in Singapore have developed a quick test to detect inflammation in diabetic patients.

Here’s Why That Poison Ivy Rash Itches So Much

Researchers have found the molecular cause of poison ivy irritation, bringing us a step closer to drugs that block the itch.

Need To Stop A Bacterial Invader? Pull On Its Tail

A protein called Lypd8 defends the body from inflammation by binding to the bacterium's tail and stopping it in its tracks.

Multiple Tooth Loss Could Indicate Cognitive Impairment

Remind grandma to brush regularly! The loss of eight or more teeth in elderly stroke patients has been linked to poorer cognitive function.