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The Urban Heat Island effect is making densely populated areas in cities hotter. How are city planners and governments in Asia addressing this?

The Oceans Are Running A Fever

Increasing marine heatwaves are breaking the resilience of aquatic life with long-term consequences for coastal communities.

Sowing The Seeds Of Language

Interdisciplinary research suggests the Transeurasian language family was started and spread by a group of early farmers in China around 9,000 years ago.

Rewriting The (Under)story Of Rapid Bird Evolution

Contrary to typically long evolutionary timeframes, Sulawesi babblers have diversified surprisingly quickly on Indonesia's islands.

Redefining Asian Science

As the world’s economic and scientific epicenters shift to Asia, the impact of the region's rich cultural heritage on research and development is becoming more apparent.

Tracing East Asia’s Ancient Coronavirus Epidemic

Our DNA holds traces of an ancient battle between our cells and a coronavirus, suggesting that an epidemic similar to COVID-19 struck East Asia about 20,000 years ago.

No Sugar-coating Here: How Asian Food Affects Blood Sugar

To encourage healthier eating habits, researchers from Singapore have ranked common Asian foods according to their impact on blood sugar levels.

Advancing Agriculture In Asia

Asia’s exponential economic growth combined with its vulnerability to threats like climate change has spurred exciting innovations from researchers in the region.

Revealing Eight Centuries of Asia’s River Patterns

In the largest study of Asia’s rivers to date, researchers tracked eight centuries worth of annual river discharge to unearth insights on past climate patterns.