university of melbourne

Printing Large, Plastic Solar Cells

Scientists have produced the largest flexible, plastic solar cells in Australia using a new solar cell printer that has been installed at CSIRO.

Clinical Trial Uses South Pacific Plant Kava To Treat Anxiety

An Australian clinical study has shown that Kava, a medicinal South Pacific plant, significantly reduced the symptoms of people suffering from anxiety.

Fainting Spells May Be Linked To Just One Gene

A new study has revealed that fainting may be genetic and, in some families, only one gene may be responsible.

Engineers Turn Nucleus Of Silicon Atom Into Quantum Bit

Researchers have achieved a quantum breakthrough, turning the nucleus of an atom into a qubit or quantum bit - the building blocks of super powerful quantum computers of the future.

Scientists Find Gene For Hereditary Epilepsy

Researchers have tracked a hereditary gene responsible for a common form of epilepsy known as focal or partial epilepsy.

Melbourne Uni Opens Center For Contemporary Chinese Studies

The University of Melbourne has launched The Center for Contemporary Chinese Studies to focus on research into contemporary issues in China.

Dozens Of New Genetic Markers For Cancer Risk Identified But Thousands More Remain

A large international study has identified more than 80 genetic markers for cancer risk, but researchers suggest that this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Indian Mustard ‘Migrated’ From West Asia, Study

An ancient mustard plant that stars in modern Indian and Chinese cuisine experienced two "waves" of migration into India and China, says a new study.

Genetic Causes Of Poor Eyesight Become Clearer

An international team of scientists have completed the largest study into the genetic causes of poor eyesight.