the sometimes serious scientist

The Stages Of A PhD

Been there, done that. But for those of you who haven't, here's a glimpse of the future…

When TV Gets Its Scientists Right

Sometimes, TV shows and books do portray scientists accurately. Perhaps almost too accurately, Alice Ly writes.

The Great Dress Divide: When Scientists Disagree

Scientists face polarized opinions both inside and out of lab. How do we go about picking sides?

Nerd Tourism, It’s A Thing

If you're travelling with a scientist on vacation, expect to be dragged to interesting places off the beaten path.

Scientists Are People, But More Special

Scientists may not exactly have superpowers, but they do have pretty awesome qualities that make them special.

Fancy A Game Of Conference Bingo?

Conferences are an important way of transmitting the latest scientific information, but they can be fun too. Try checking these off at your next conference!

A Scientist’s Guide To Social Interactions

Scientists and non-scientists can sometimes seem to be from different worlds, but every interaction is an opportunity for better understanding.

When Scientists Go To The Movies

If you manage to coax them out of the lab, do remember that scientists may not see movies the same way you do.

Lab Life: It Takes All Kinds

Love them or loathe them, Alice Ly gives us a handy guide to spotting the different kinds of people you might find in a lab.