Making Vaccines About Science, Not Politics
In the wake of political turmoil and widespread misinformation around Dengvaxia in the Philippines, public confidence in vaccines has plummeted sharply, says a new study. What can be done to hold back the slide?

Looking Before You Quantum Leap
Although qubit-crunching machines are still some years away from widespread use, industry players are already planning ahead for the era of quantum computing.
Helping Research Cross The Last Mile
Research isn’t finished until it is communicated. Here's how to ace a science presentation.
Don’t Let Those Cell Lines Get Out Of Line
Do you really know the identity of the cell lines you’re working with? Here are some ways to find out.
The Voice Within May Be Toxoplasma Speaking
Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite that reproduces in cats and can infect humans, is known to alter behavior. A recent study shows that infected humans tend to be more entrepreneurial.
The Unbearable Uncertainty Of Biology
A new blood test could help make pregnancy more predictable, but uncertainty will always be with us.
Conflict Control In The Lab
Disputes among lab members are inevitable, but tackling them promptly and proactively is key.
Once Eaten By Birds, Stick Insects Get The Ride Of Their Lives
For stick insects, becoming bird food isn’t the end of the road, but may be the start of a long-distance journey.
When Wanderlust Meets Wonderlust
Are you ready to plan your first trip to a scientific conference? Here are five tips to get you started.