
Fugaku Boosts Singapore’s Supercomputing Resources

A new collaboration will soon allow Singapore-based researchers to directly access Japan’s Fugaku—the world’s fastest supercomputer.

Japan’s Fugaku Keeps Crown As World’s Fastest Supercomputer

Named after Japan’s highest peak, Fugaku lived up to its reputation as the world’s most powerful supercomputer by leading the TOP500 rankings—again.

Supercharging Healthcare Innovation

From bench to bedside, high performance computers are running simulations, crunching big data and suggesting medical treatments to make healthcare more effective and affordable.

Revving Up COVID-19 Research

With the world racing to fight the coronavirus, Asia’s most powerful supercomputers are entering the fray.

Mapping The Brain’s Mysteries

Scientists across Asia are harnessing the power of synchrotrons and supercomputers to get a comprehensive understanding of the brain.

Getting A Headstart On HPC

As high performance computing grows in relevance in various industries, Singapore Polytechnic is prepping its students for the future from the comfort of their classrooms.

Japan’s Fugaku Crowned The World’s Fastest Supercomputer

For the first time in history, the same machine has topped all three of rankings of the most powerful supercomputers in the world.

A Peak Into The Origin Of Supermassive Black Holes

The supercomputer ATERUI II has helped scientists develop a new theory about the origin of supermassive black holes.

Singapore’s Supercomputers To Support COVID-19 Research

Scientists based in Singapore can now tap into the country’s supercomputing resources for COVID-19-related projects under a special call for projects launched this week.