Quantum Mechanics ‘Locks’ Heat In Place
Scientists in Singapore have discovered how to ‘lock’ heat in place using two rotating metal rings.
Seeing The Magnetic Field Of A Single Atom Up Close
An international team of scientists has performed an MRI scan of the magnetic field of single atoms.
A Tango With Quantum Entanglement
Scientists have created a 'universal entangler' which not only could advance our understanding of the quantum realm, but also pave the way for the construction of quantum computers.
Chinese Physicists Win 2018 Newcomb-Cleveland Prize
The American Association for the Advancement of Science has recognized 34 Chinese physicists for laying the groundwork of a quantum internet.
Making Way For Muography
Scientists in Japan and Hungary have announced the opening of the NEWCUT laboratory, the world’s first facility dedicated to the study of muography.
Seven Thai Scientists Making An Impact With Their Research
Get to know these seven award-winning researchers from Thailand who are pushing the boundaries of chemistry, biomedical science and fundamental physics.
10 Award-Winning Scientists From Japan To Watch
From biomedicine to particle physics, these ten award-winning scientists from Japan are making an impact across the globe with their discoveries.
Malaysian Medical Physicist Wins Marie Sklodowska-Curie Award
Professor Ng Kwan Hoong is the first scientist from a developing country to have won the prestigious award presented by the UK-based International Organization for Medical Physics.
Measuring The Shape Of Lasers Without A Vacuum
Using two superimposed lasers, scientists in South Korea have devised a fast and high resolution method to measure ultraviolet, visible and longer wavelength pulses.