Asia’s Rising Scientists: Mayuko Yamashita
Breakthrough Prize winner Yamashita explores the bridge between pure mathematics and fundamental physics.
Shielding COVID-19 Risk On Ride-Sharing Bikes
Plastic barriers placed between driver and passenger on ride-sharing motorbikes reduces the risk of COVID-19 viral spread.
Turning Tamarind Shells Into Energy Stores
No longer relegated to the trash bins, tamarind fruit shells can be converted into carbon nanosheets used in energy storage devices.
Science’s Seismic Shift Towards Asia
The world’s scientific center of gravity is shifting towards Asia—where, given current projections, it will probably long remain.
Flattening The Complexity Of Quantum Circuits
By arranging qubits in a pseudo two-dimensional array, scientists have simplified the construction of quantum computers.
The Smallest Fridge In The World: A Single Atom
A single barium atom can act as either a heat engine or refrigerator, a property that could be used to cool small devices and nanomachines in the future.
Elusive Kondo Cloud Seen For The First Time
An international team of scientists has observed Kondo clouds, a physical phenomenon first predicted nearly 90 years ago.
Japan’s KAGRA Gearing Up For Gravitational Wave Research
Representatives from Japan’s KAGRA have signed a memorandum of agreement with the US’s LIGO and Italy’s Virgo observatories for joint gravitational wave research.
Shedding Light On Optical Tweezers 2.0
Leveraging mobile metallic nanostructures that create a strong electromagnetic field around themselves when illuminated by light, a research group in India has created an advanced nanomanipulation tool.
An Optical Ruler For Nanoscale Measurements
A research group in Singapore has developed an optical ruler that can be used to make ultra-high resolution measurements.