Calling All Hackers: MIT Hacking Medicine@SG Now Open
Whether you’re a student, programmer, clinician, designer or engineer, MIT Hacking Medicine@SG wants you and your ideas!

Daniel Hastings Appointed Director Of Singapore-MIT Alliance
Professor Daniel Hastings has been appointed as director of the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology.
New View Of Dengue Fever
Researchers have produced a “humanized mouse” to study how the mosquito-borne dengue virus depletes blood platelets.
Researchers Engineer Potent Antibody Against Dengue Virus
Researchers from Singapore and the U.S. have engineered a potent antibody against the dengue virus.
MIT Linguist Shigeru Miyagawa: Unique Languages, Universal Patterns
MIT linguist reveals how modern English resembles Old Japanese, and other surprising convergences between far-flung tongues.
MIT And Malaysia Establish New Institute For Logistics Research
Malaysia is partnering with MIT's Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) to create a global center for supply chain education and research.