hong kong university of science and technology
How Bacteria Resist Even Peptide Antibiotics
Scientists in Hong Kong have discovered how bacteria may become resistant to peptide antibiotics.
The Yin And Yang Of Balance In The Brain
Scientists in Hong Kong have identified two proteins that are involved in maintaining the balance between excitation and inhibition in the brain.
HKUST Appoints Professor Shyy Wei As Fourth President
Professor Shyy Wei takes over the reins of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology from current president Professor Tony F. Chan.
How Genetic Insults Affect Mental Health
Research has shed light on how a molecule called disrupted-in-schizophrenia 1 is linked to a wide range of psychiatric disorders.
Air Pollution Linked To Lower Sperm Quality
An international team of scientists have demonstrated that prolonged exposure to particulate matter in the air could affect sperm quality.
Latest THE University Rankings Show Chinese Universities On The Rise
China is fast becoming a dominant force in the higher education arena based on this year’s THE World University Rankings.
Asia’s Universities Inching Their Way Up
While Western countries continue to dominate the world ranking of universities, Asia is becoming increasingly visible.
Could The Cosmos Be A Collider?
The cosmos and elementary particles—the largest and smallest objects studied by physicists—are intricately linked.
Hydrogel Enables Light-Controlled Cell Release
A light-responsive hydrogel has allowed scientists to control the release of cells into a 3D environment by simply using light.