The Secrets Of Life Underground
The genome of the Damaraland mole rat provides an insight into the adaptations required for life underground.
Pig Whipworm Genome Could Aid Autoimmune Disorders
Understanding the genes which allow the pig parasite Trichuris suis to modify the human immune response could result in better treatments for autoimmune disease.
Unlocking Eucalyptus’ Potential For Oil And Paper
Understanding the Eucalyptus genome could improve the oil producing characteristics and pest resistance of the world's most widely planted hardwood.
Baa Baa Black Sheep, How Did You Get Your Wool?
Eighteen years after the cloning of Dolly, scientists now have the complete genomic sequence of the domestic sheep, Ovis aries.
Insights Into Cancer Resistance From The Blind Mole Rat
The blind mole rat may not be able to see, but its genome could shed light on why it does not develop cancer.
Three Institute Collaboration Releases 3,000 Rice Genomes
A collaborative effort between the CAAS, BGI and the IRRI has published the genomes of 3,000 rice varieties, amounting to 13.4 terabytes worth of data.
Termite Genome Sheds Light On Social Behavior
The first termite genome fills the gap in our understanding of social insect genomics.
US$2.3 Million For DNA Barcoding Project
Scientists hope that DNA bar coding will speed up the identification of plant and animal species and help combat illegal trade in endangered species.
Cultivated Cotton Genome Sequenced
The sequencing of the Gossypium arboreum genome facilitates the identification of genes for the improvement of cotton agriculture.