disaster risk reduction

Asia’s Rising Scientists: Mahar Lagmay

This month, we turn the spotlight on Professor Mahar Lagmay, a disaster mitigation expert from the University of the Philippines Diliman.

NTU Leads Expedition To Assess Tsunami Risks

The month-long expedition to map the sea floor off Sumatra will provide open source data for the prediction of tsunami risks.

Nepal Caught Unprepared For Disasters

A report published earlier this month showed that available seismic maps of Nepal are 20 years old.

UN Conference Calls For Greater Disaster Resilience

Participants called for greater attention to be paid to insuring disaster risks and the role that scientific data could play in risk estimation.

Predicting Tsunamis With Supercomputers

Collaborative research between Tohoku University and Fujitsu has produced a faster tsunami prediction model.

Vanuatu Super Storm Shadows UN Disaster Risk Conference

The third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction began on a sober note as news of Cyclone Pam hung over the proceedings.

Landslides Could Become Indonesia’s Worst Nightmare

Although natural disasters such as tsunamis and earthquakes often capture the attention of the media, it is landslides which cause the highest death toll in Indonesia.

The Art & Science Of Early Disaster Warnings

Post-tsunami South Asia has better early warning systems, but reaching remote communities is still problematic, says Nalaka Gunawardene.