
Turning The Tide On Dengue: How Climate Change, Urbanization And Innovation Shape Control Strategies

Tackling dengue requires a holistic approach—integrating immunization through vaccines and community-driven initiatives can nip dengue in the bud.

Deadlier Than COVID-19, Dengue Puts Survivors At Higher Risk Of Health Issues

Dengue survivors are 55 percent more likely to experience heart complications than those who recovered from COVID-19.

Population Immunity Shapes Evolution Of The Dengue Virus

The study from India shows why it would be beneficial to develop dengue vaccines locally to counter regional strains.

Fighting Mosquitoes With Mosquitoes (VIDEO)

Public health leader Associate Professor Ng Lee-Ching explains how Singapore’s Project Wolbachia is helping stem rising dengue cases—by using the very same species responsible.

Asian Scientist Magazine’s June 2021 Roundup

Across Asia, scientists are uncovering the paths walked by ancient animals and looking for new ways to tackle dengue and climate change.

How Wolbachia Stops Dengue In Its Tracks

Scientists have shown that infecting mosquitoes with Wolbachia bacteria prevents them from carrying dengue and lowers disease incidence by 77 percent.

Asian Scientist Magazine’s May 2021 Roundup

From ancient Indonesian caves to the unexplored Martian terrain, Asia’s scientists are making discoveries with vast implications for our world and beyond.

Dengue: A Tale Of Two Lockdowns

COVID-19 lockdown measures decreased the rate of dengue among migrant workers but raised it in Singapore’s general population.

It’s Morphing Time! How The Dengue Virus Evades Detection

Dengue virus becoming resistant to vaccines and therapeutics due to mutations in specific protein, study shows.

Mother’s Dengue Exposure Worsens Impact Of Zika Virus On Fetus

Antibodies against the dengue virus can promote the transmission of the Zika virus from mother to fetus, resulting in more severe brain damage, say researchers in Singapore.