India’s Rich City Dwellers At Higher Risk Of Heart Disease
Higher wealth and urbanization is associated with higher risk of cardiovascular disease in India, according to household surveys.
Getting To The Heart Of Congenital Heart Disease
The acetylation of metabolic enzymes plays a key role in regulating heart muscle development in newborns, study says.
An Evolutionary Trade-Off For Walking Upright
A research group in Japan has revealed that walking upright has made humans more prone to limb ischemia than mice.
Two Kinds Of Heart Failures Don’t Beat As One
By studying a cohort of 2,039 patients over a span of seven years, researchers have discovered the subtle differences in incidence and patient outcomes for two types of heart failure.
High Blood Pressure In China Spiraling Out Of Control
More and more people in China are suffering from high blood pressure, but proper medication to manage the disease is often lacking.
Mending The Heart With Living Nanogels
By encapsulating stem cells in a nanogel, scientists have managed to repair heart damage in mice and pigs.
Asian Dust Exposure May Trigger Heart Attacks
Breathing in particles from Asian dust storms can trigger heart attacks, particularly in patients with chronic kidney disease.
The Cause Of Fibrosis Found Hiding In Plain Sight
A new class of anti-fibrotic drugs may soon be in the pipeline as researchers in Singapore identify the molecule responsible for causing fibrosis in organs.
Breastfeeding May Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease
Breastfeeding benefits mums as well as babies, potentially lowering the mother’s risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.