Using Nail Art To Study Ladybug Wings
High speed cameras and uv-cured resin used in nail art have come together to help scientists understand what makes ladybug wings both strong and foldable.
A Biosensor With Spider-Sense
Researchers in South Korea have developed a biosensor that has detection capability 20 times faster than existing ones.
Frog Mucus Yields Virus-Killing Peptides
Researchers have isolated a peptide from frog mucus that can kill a wide range of flu viruses but appears harmless to human cells.
Modified CRISPR Gene Editing Proves Highly Accurate
Scientists in South Korea have shown that a Cas9 gene editing variant has much fewer off-target effects.
ChemChina’s Syngenta Acquisition Approved
China’s state-owned agrochemical company ChemChina has been cleared to acquire Syngenta, a Swiss agriculture research company.
Drought-Resistant Rice Strain Created
A genetically modified strain of rice has proven itself to be remarkably drought resistant in various real-world scenarios.
3D Fingerprint Scans Made Faster And Cheaper
This contactless system can accurately scan a human fingerprint in 3D in just two seconds.
Students Help Build Synthetic Yeast Chromosome
These synthetic yeast chromosomes bring scientists one step closer to creating artificial life.
Sieving Out MicroRNAs In A Matter Of Milliseconds
Scientists in Japan have developed a nanobiodevice that can separate microRNAs from DNA in the fraction of a second.