air pollution

Air Pollution Linked To Higher Mortality

Researchers found that an increase in the PM2.5 by 10 μg/m3 was linked to a 42 percent increase in ischemic heart disease.

Indian Railways To Run On Diesel That Used To Be Plastic

Researchers at the Indian Institute of Petroleum have developed a method to convert plastic into diesel.

Cold Winds Push Pollutants To The Equator

Air pollution from East Asia rapidly travels towards tropical forests where they can impact the ozone layer, scientists say.

Do Higher Temperatures Increase Surface Ozone?

Warmer temperatures increase biogenic emissions and speed up chemical reactions to increase surface ozone levels, study says.

Tackling India’s Increasing GHG Emissions

Transport and building energy costs are the two greatest contributors to India's greenhouse gas emissions, study says.

Air Pollution Hits Crops More Than Climate Change

Black carbon and ozone may have caused India more than US$5 billion in losses to wheat and rice crops.

The Dust That Discolors The Taj Mahal

Scientists have identified the particles responsible for discoloring the Taj Mahal, some of which are also harmful to human health.

South Asia’s Quest For More Livable Cities

By deploying new urban transport technologies, South Asian governments can bring relief to over a billion people, says Nalaka Gunawardene.

Ozone Wiped Out Six Million Tons Of India’s Crops In 2005

Scientists say that ozone pollution damaged six million metric tons of India's crops, which could have fed 94 million people.