Ivy Ng



Biomedical Sciences

Gluckman and Ng were co-awarded the 2021 President’s Science and Technology Medal for their collective efforts to advance Singapore’s research landscape and mentor the next generation of young scientists. With a distinguished career in early life research, Gluckman is the scientific architect behind groundbreaking birth cohort studies in the Republic. These studies have shed a much-needed light on how conditions in pregnancy and early childhood influence the health and development of mothers and their children, positively impacting local healthcare policy. Today, he continues to nurture scientific talent and lead research in health and human potential as the Chief Scientific Officer of the Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences (SICS).

Meanwhile, Ng played a pivotal role in transforming SingHealth, the country’s largest public healthcare cluster, into a leading academic medical center. Her leadership has helped expand the research and education talent pool in academic medicine, ensuring that Singapore has the right infrastructure and talent in place to pursue innovation in biomedical research and healthcare delivery.

(Photo: Agency for Science, Technology and Research)

  • 2021 President’s Science and Technology Medal

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