Nishat Anan


Nishat is a science journalist. She graduated with an MSc in Biomedical Science from Monash University where she worked with a cellular model of Parkinson’s Disease. Nishat loves lending her voice to bring science closer to society.

Stories by Nishat Anan

How An Electrified Protein Aids Sperm Maturation

Voltage changes in the cell membrane activates a protein essential for guiding sperm development.

Less Sleep During Pregnancy May Delay Baby’s Brain Development

Boys were more vulnerable to the effects of their mother’s sleep deprivation, impacting their fetal glucose metabolism and early cognitive development.

A Cancer-Driving Protein Found To Slow-Down Breast Cancer

Though commonly associated with cancer growth, Gα13’s protective role in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer highlights the complexities of the disease’s subtypes.

A Gut Feeling About Autism

Scientists found unique gut flora in children with autism, which could aid early diagnosis.

Eating More Fruits Could Prevent Depression In Later Years

Study participants who had at least three servings of fruits a day were able to reduce likelihood of aging-related depression by 21 percent.

Germ Cells Decide Why Women Outlive Men

Blocking reproductive cells in female killifish reduced their lifespan, found a study from Japan.

No Benefits Of Switching To Plant-Based Meat To Control Diabetes

Plant-based meat options tend to be highly processed, which potentially alters their health-promoting properties.

Catching Up On Lost Sleep Doesn’t Help Sleep-Deprived Brains

Weekend lie-ins and a few early bedtimes can ease a busy work week, but don’t help with sleep deprivation.

Self-Medicating Orangutan Seen In Indonesia

Scientists have documented a Sumatran orangutan applying the sap of a pain-relieving plant to an open wound, suggesting a shared ancestral origin of human wound care practices.