Subject: Zika, OMG

If you were emailing your friends about the Zika outbreak as it unfolded, it might looked something like this.


AsianScientist (Sep. 28, 2016)SUBJECT: Zika
TO: Annabel T [[email protected]]
FROM: Franny W [[email protected]]
DATE: December 5 2015 11:30 AM

Hey A,

Thought about you when I read the news this AM. Did you hear about Zika? Omg @ those babies with really tiny heads! Poor things. I assume you have, since you studied public health and stuff. Why was I born in the tropics? I should move to America, where there are no mosquitoes, and the pumpkin spice latte—which I have been dying to try—is an actual thing.

Ugh. We’re all going to die.


Fran Wong
Daughter, Friend, Lover of Life

TO: Franny W [[email protected]]
FROM: Annabel T [[email protected]]
DATE: December 5 2015 12:31PM

Hey Franny,

LOL no, we’re not all going to die. Well, we are, but that’s not really up to us to say when. #YOLO?

I think there are plenty of mosquitoes in the United States too—Hawaii, Florida, Texas. I have a friend who contracted chikungunya in Florida. Horrifying stuff.

As for Zika, I wouldn’t worry about it for now, I think… but obviously, I could be wrong since I am not involved in mosquito research.

Unless… Are you pregnant?


Annabel Tan
Enthusiast, Research

“Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet” – Abraham Lincoln

TO: Annabel T [[email protected]]
FROM: Franny W [[email protected]]
DATE: February 28 2016 9:15AM

Sorry, really bad with email.

No, not pregnant, but hey, I want to be married in a year and have children in three years.

Anyway, I was travelling over Xmas in Thailand with my BF. Can’t seem to escape the tropics; he loves the heat. I keep getting bitten by mozzies.

Btw, Zika is official now. Was looking into travelling to Rio for Olympics, but am not sure if the whole Olympics will even happen now. Still worried that I might be a silent carrier of Zika given number of mosquito bites on my right leg. Can’t. Stop. Itching.

Why don’t we Whatsapp instead, like normal people?

Fran Wong
Daughter, Friend, Lover of Life

TO: Franny W [[email protected]]
FROM: Annabel T [[email protected]]
DATE: February 28 2016, 10:04AM

Hi Franny,

Really nice to hear from you! I hope you had a good holiday.

Hmm, I have heard about how Zika might be caused by some chemicals in the water in Brazil, but I suspect that it is just a huge conspiracy theory. Speaking of which, there are other conspiracy theories that I have come across FYI (since I know how much you enjoy a good conspiracy theory):

  • Zika is spread by genetically modified mosquitoes (they are not)
  • Zika is caused by vaccines (they are not)
  • Americans are immune to the Zika virus (they are not)
  • Zika is caused by the Gates Foundation and/or the Rockefeller Foundation (funny, but no)

Why haven’t you been using insect repellant (which BTW doesn’t cause cancer)? You should go to the doctor to get tested if you’re worried!

Annabel Tan
Enthusiast, Research

“Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet” – Abraham Lincoln

TO: Annabel T [[email protected]]
FROM: Franny W [[email protected]]
DATE: February 29 2016 10:01AM

Hey, I do use insect repellant. It’s not my fault that these new mutant breed of mosquitoes aren’t bothered by repellant. In fact, I take all precautions that are necessary here in Singapore: close windows at twilight, use insect repellant, check for puddles of water that could accumulate around the house. I am a responsible citizen and I will not be bossed around!

Fran Wong
Daughter, Friend, Lover of Life

SUBJECT: How scared should we be about Zika?
TO: Annabel T [[email protected]]
FROM: Franny W [[email protected]]
DATE: September 22 2016 3:30 PM

Someone posted this on FB! Have you read it? So it’s true that Zika is linked to microcephaly!

The Brazilian Zika virus strain causes birth defects in experimental models

Fran Wong
Daughter, Friend, Lover of Life

SUBJECT: RE: How scared should we be about Zika?
TO: Franny W [[email protected]]
FROM: Annabel T [[email protected]]
DATE: September 26 2016 12:43AM

Currently, 16 pregnant women have been confirmed to have Zika in Singapore. Out of the 658 Zika tests that were administered between September 7 and 17, 197 were symptomatic or pregnant. There are currently nine Zika clusters in the country; the source is believed to have come from a construction site. The virus is spread by the same Aedes aegypti mosquito that carries the dengue virus. Not gonna lie, it is quite serious—even the WHO said so.

It’s a pressing problem… in the age of climate change and global warming, no country is immune from infectious diseases that have the threat of cross-border spillover—especially countries like Singapore with a huge transient population and high population density.

So, scared? No. Worried? Yes. We all are.

Annabel Tan
Enthusiast, Research

“Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet” – Abraham Lincoln

This article is from a monthly column called Our Small World. Click here to see the other articles in this series. Disclaimer: these are not actual email addresses, recipients or email conversations.


Copyright: Asian Scientist Magazine; Photo: Shutterstock.
Disclaimer: This article does not necessarily reflect the views of AsianScientist or its staff.

Annabel is currently a 2nd year Masters in Public Health student at Yale University. She received her MEng in biomedical engineering from Imperial College London in 2010. She spent the summer of 2014 researching substance abuse in Tanzania. She has a keen interest in food, yoga and metal music.

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