university of melbourne
Liquid Crystals For Printable Solar Panels
High performance liquid crystals could pave the way for printable and more environmentally friendly solar panels.
Clark Wins Russ Prize For Cochlear Implants
Professor Graeme Clark AC has been awarded the Russ Prize for his role in the development of a medical device that has improved the lives of the hearing impaired: the cochlear implant.
“Selfish” Gut Bacteria Steal From Yeast
Feeding the beneficial gut bacteria Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron could help alleviate inflammatory bowel disease.
Rotaviruses Use Blood Group Antigens
Researchers have shown that rotaviruses bind to Type A antigens, using them to infect cells.
Gliding Lizards Mimic Falling Leaves
The colors of the gliding lizard "wings" are for blending in rather than communication, scientists say.
Broadly Neutralizing DENV Antibodies Found
The discovery of antibodies that can neutralize all four dengue strains has sparked new hopes for a vaccine.
Accurate, Non-Invasive Test For Alzheimer’s
A non-invasive blood test based on miRNA could improve the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease to as high as 91 percent accuracy.
Separating The Infected From The Vaccinated
A newly developed diagnostic test is able to differentiate which birds have been vaccinated for bird flu and which are currently infected.
Slow & Steady Does Not Win Weight Loss Race
Even gradually lost weight is eventually regained after three years, suggesting that obesity guidelines should be revised.