Japan Asks CITES To Protect Rare Turtle
Japan is asking the world's governments to help protect the Ryukyu Black-breasted Leaf Turtle, a rare turtle found on only three small islands in the Okinawa group.
Thai Buddhist Leaders Call For End To Ivory Use
Thai Buddhist leaders held on Friday the first-ever Buddhist merit-making ceremony to pray for the tens of thousands of elephants poached annually.
Scientists: Legalize Trade In Rhino Horns
Rhino horn is now worth more than gold, say four leading environmental scientists, who are urging the international community to install a legal trade in rhino horn.
Yingluck Promises End To Ivory Trade In Thailand
Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra pledged to end the ivory trade in Thailand at the opening of the CITES Cop16 conference in Bangkok.
Lessons For Asia From The Horse Meat Scandal
What can we in Asia learn from the horsemeat contamination scandal in Europe? David Tan discusses.
Inviragen Advances Dengue Vaccine Into Second Stage Of Phase II Study
Inviragen, Inc. has initiated the second stage of an ongoing Phase II study of DENVax™, its investigational dengue vaccine.
Experts Discuss Rising Obesity In Asia Pacific
Experts discussed the rising epidemic of obesity at the 19th Asian Pacific Congress of Cardiology in Pattaya, Thailand.
More Veggies In My Asian Takeout, Please
Asian take-away foods must include more vegetables to meet the recommended dietary guidelines for vegetable consumption, says a new study.
2,000 Smuggled Snakes Discovered On Chinese New Year’s Eve
More than 2,000 rat snakes and cobras were discovered in Thailand on the eve of the Year of the Snake.