riken brain science institute
Broken Signals Lead To Neurodegeneration
Neurogenerative diseases could be explained by modifications of the IP3 receptor which lock it in a closed state.
Fatty Acid Transport Proteins Linked To Schizophrenia & Autism
Mutations in fatty acid binding proteins resulting in disrupted lipid transport to the brain could be the common factor underlying both schizophrenia and autism.
Teasing Out Purkinje Proteins
Scientists have developed a method of extracting Purkinje cells from the brain, identifying potential Purkinje-specific protein markers in the process.
Oops! The Brain Signature Of A Mistake
Using transgenic mice, scientists have captured gamma oscillations in the brain that fire when a mistake is first realized.
Two Mouse Models To Study Alzheimer’s Disease
Research in Alzheimer's disease could be accelerated with the use two new mice models that realistically model the disease in humans.
‘Island Cells’ Impair Linking Of Memories
Researchers have discovered brain cells that inhibit the ability of mice to connect two events separated in time into a single experience.
Humans Evolved Dexterous Hands Before Agile Feet
A long-standing mystery in human evolution has been solved: humans evolved dextrous hands before developing the ability to walk on two legs.
Enzyme Regulating Human Emotion, Mood Uncovered
Japanese researchers have discovered that the enzyme called Rines regulates MAO-A, a major brain protein controlling emotion and mood.
‘Inception’ Of False Memories Into The Brain
Neuroscientists at the RIKEN–MIT Center for Neural Circuit Genetics have shown that they can plant false memories in the brains of mice.