Asia’s Scientific Trailblazers: Dean Ho
The next frontier in precision medicine can be found at the interface of nanotechnology, biomedical science and artificial intelligence, says Professor Dean Ho.

Nanodiamonds Light Up Liver Tumors
Using nanodiamonds as an MRI contrast agent makes hidden tumors appear, even at a low dose.
Umbrella-Shaped Nanodiamonds Shine Five Times Brighter
Umbrella-shaped, luminescent nanostructures may be useful in highly sensitive magnetic sensors or within the realm of quantum computing.
Nanodiamonds Formed In A Carbon Cage
Scientists have successfully synthesized diamond-like nanomaterials in the hollow of a carbon nanotube.
Tiny Technologies, Incredible Impact
From lightweight sports equipment to potable water, here are ten ways that nanotechnology is changing our lives.
Nanodiamonds Pack An Anti-Cancer Punch
Nanodiamonds can turn existing drugs into a powerful tool against cancer stem cells in mice.
Nanotwinning Hard And Stable Diamonds
By applying a nanotwinning process, scientists have synthesized a form of diamond that is harder and more thermally stable.
Diamonds On Demand, For Research
Researchers in Australia now have the ability to fabricate ultra high-purity diamonds at the new Diamond Deposition Suite.
Tiny Diamonds To Boost Leukemia Treatment
Binding an anti-leukemia drug to nano-sized diamonds enhances the delivery of the drug to leukemic cells, boosting its efficacy.