genome institute of singapore
Two A*STAR Scientists Win The 2015 EMBO Young Investigator Award
Dr. Khor Chiea Chuen and Dr. Nicolas Plachta have been selected as this year's European Molecular Biology Organization Young Investigators.
Genomic Data Improves Breast Cancer Diagnosis & Treatment
Two large scale genomic studies have helped identify strategies for developing more precise and effective treatments for breast cancer.
Deadly Singaporean GBS Strain Sequenced
A collaboration between research labs and hospitals has quickly sequenced the genome of a strain of Group B Streptococcus responsible for a recent outbreak in Singapore.
Targeting Mitochondria To Boost Reprogramming
The efficiency of cellular reprogramming gets a boost from an unexpected source: the mitochondria.
How Stem Cells Exit From Pluripotency
Using a genome-wide screening approach, scientists from Singapore identified novel regulators of human stem cells differentiation.
Fusion Gene Drives Subset Of Asian Gastric Cancers
Scientists have identified a fusion gene that causes epithelial damage and increased cell invasiveness, predisposing carriers to gastric cancer.
GIS & Pryobett To Develop Pyrosequencing For Clinical Diagnostics
The novel pyrosequencing platform can perform real-time sequencing for quicker medical decision-making.
7 Must-Read Stories In April 2015
Could sodium replace lithium in batteries and could current DNA sequencing technology be displaced by graphene? Read here to find out more!
Why Psoriasis Is Ten Times Less Common In Chinese
A genome-wide analysis has revealed that Chinese populations have only 10 out of 44 of the genes linked to psoriasis.