First Batch Of Belt And Road Power Engineering Program Graduates
Participants of the workshop were granted exclusive access to key power facilities in Hong Kong and China, and left with a deeper understanding of power engineering.
Making Solar Cells Both Stable And Affordable
By incorporating manganese into an all-inorganic perovskite solar cell, scientists have increased its efficiency and stability while keeping manufacturing costs low.
Generating Biofuel From Wheat Straw And Saw Dust
Using a natural bacterium isolated from mushroom crop residue, scientists have developed a way to directly convert plant-based material to butanol.
Hybrid Devices Fully Charge In 30 Seconds
Scientists in South Korea have used liquid electrolytes in combination with nanostructured electrodes to create a fast-charging energy storage device.
Generating Electricity From Temperature Fluctuations
Scientists in Japan have devised a thermoelectric battery that can convert heat into electricity even with a shallow temperature gradient.
Harnessing Sunlight To Generate Hydrogen Fuel
Researchers in Japan have developed a nanostructured catalyst that absorbs sunlight to split water, thus producing hydrogen fuel.
Storing Electricity In Chemical Form
Researchers in Japan have created a device that stores excess electrical energy using glycolic acid, which has a much greater energy capacity than hydrogen, one of the more popular energy-storage chemicals.
Producing Ethylene Using Solar Energy
Scientists in Singapore have developed an artificial photosynthesis device for greener ethylene production.
Extending The Range Of Water-Splitting Light
A team of researchers have produced hydrogen fuel from water using less energetic near-infrared light.