duke nus medical school

Obesity Could Cost You US$19,000 Per Child

Research suggests that childhood obesity leads to an additional US$19,000 in lifetime medical costs per child.

Stem Cells From A Single Drop Of Blood

Singaporean scientists have developed a method for generating stem cells that only requires a single drop of blood.

Fruit Flies Help Uncover Tumor-Preventing Proteins

Scientists have identified a protein complex that stops brain cells from dedifferentiating back into stem cells, thereby preventing tumor formation.

Neuroscience Research Institute Launched In Singapore

Intended to facilitate collaborations between researchers and clinicians, the institute will tackle neurological problems likely to face Singapore's aging population.

New Probe To Detect Parkinson’s Disease

Researchers have developed a probe for detecting the activity of an enzyme that is elevated in patients with Parkinson’s disease.

Telling ‘Good Fat’ Apart From ‘Bad Fat’

Scientists have discovered a faster way of telling high-quality fat cells apart from those that are low-quality and bad for health.

How The Immune System Fights Off Malaria

Study reveals immune cells that are critical to combating the malaria parasite in early stages of infection.

Setback For Dengue-Blocking Mosquito Trial In Vietnam

A project to introduce mosquitoes that could potentially block dengue virus on an island off Vietnam has run into an early hurdle.

Salmonella Disables Bacteria-Fighting Mast Cells During Invasion

A protein in Salmonella inactivates mast cells, rendering them unable to protect against bacterial invaders, according to a new study.