cell biology

Unmasking Stomach Cancer

Researchers in Japan have found that a layer of cells that appears like normal stomach lining can make it difficult to spot stomach cancer.

Starve & Squeeze To Keep Egg Cell Supply Fresh

Researchers in Japan have shown that reduced oxygen and mechanical compression play roles in achieving and maintaining a dormant state in mouse egg cells.

Chewing Changes Jawbone Structure, Study Finds

Japan-based researchers reveal how jawbone structure is affected by the force applied when chewing food.

Integrator Genes Play Key Role In Brain Development

Researchers in Singapore have demonstrated that integrator genes help prevent the de-differentiation of neurons in the brain.

A Light To Guide Stem Cells To Sites Of Injury

Scientists in China have designed a light-activated 'remote control' to target stem cells towards wounds.

Polysulfide Donor Suppresses Inflammation

By linking multiple sulfur atoms to the artificial amino acid acetylcysteine, researchers in Japan have found a way to dampen inflammation in mice.

Collagen Gel Helps Turn Stem Cells Into Neurons

Scientists in South Korea have cultivated neurons from stem cells using collagen gel from the tilapia fish, which mimics the stiffness of the human brain.

Microscopy To Measure The Potency Of Stem Cells

Researchers in Japan have developed a modified version of differential interference contrast microscopy which helps identify pluripotent stem cells with the greatest medical potential.

Getting Stem Cells Ready To Repair Hearts

Using a drug and proteins known as laminins, scientists have found a way to induce stem cells to differentiate into cardiac muscle-like cells, fibroblast-like cells and epithelial-like cells.