
Asia’s Scientific Trailblazers: Ashok Venkitaraman

Having discovered BRCA2’s crucial role in genome stability, Professor Ashok Venkitaraman continues to drive research into cancer detection and treatment at the Cancer Science Institute of Singapore and A*STAR.

Navigating Cancer Treatment With The Tiniest Of Tools

A new soft robotic laser could allow surgeons to conduct head and neck surgeries without damaging critical structures in the vicinity.

Divide And Conquer: Classifying Cancers For Targeted Therapy

With a new classification scheme for angiosarcomas, health experts can develop and select more effective treatments for cancer patients.
prostate cancer, artificial intelligence

Keeping A Better AI On Prostate Cancer

To lessen invasive diagnostic tests, researchers have developed an artificial intelligence-based method to accurately diagnose prostate cancer with only a urine sample.

Asia’s Rising Scientists: Jyotirmayee Dash

By flipping the switch on rogue genes, Dr. Jyotirmayee Dash hopes to add more tools in the ongoing crusade against cancer.

Peak Performance

Designed with general purpose users in mind, the Fugaku supercomputer has the performance and energy efficiency of a GPU-accelerated machine but remains easy to program.

Predicting Drug Response With Precision

In another step towards personalized medicine, Singapore-based researchers have identified a biomarker that could predict which cancer patients respond best to treatment.

Crafting A Cancer Killer

Given cancer’s many faces, scientists from Japan are tapping onto novel techniques to synthesize new drugs against the disease.

A Triple Threat Against Cancer

A three-in-one approach combining immune checkpoint inhibition, tumor microenvironment targeting and chemotherapy drugs could help tackle difficult-to-treat tumors.