australian institute of marine science
Coral DNA Reveals How Well They Deal With Stress
Corals that have a better capacity to deal with environmental stressors, such as bleaching, can be identified from their individual genetic makeup.
Sunscreen Inspired By Barrier Reef Corals
Researchers have created UV sunscreen filters which mimic the natural sun protection used by corals on the Great Barrier Reef.
Skin Cancer Found In Great Barrier Reef Fish
Scientists have identified skin cancer in the Great Barrier Reef’s wild fish populations which is almost identical to melanomas found in humans.
Scientific Sleuths Pinpoint Natural Coral Killers Using Genetic Fingerprinting
Coral researchers and reef managers will now have an easier job in identifying the specific diseases causing coral infections by a method called genetic fingerprinting.
Australian Marine Scientists Map Sea Shelf
Scientists from five research agencies have pooled their skills and resources to compile a directory of life on Australia’s continental shelf.