atmospheric science
Asian Scientist Magazine’s March 2021 Roundup
Embark on a billion-year scientific odyssey through Asian Scientist Magazine’s top stories from March 2021.

Take My Breath Away: Future Earth To Lack Oxygen
In one billion years, scientists project that an increasingly hot Sun will trigger the Earth's return to an oxygen-poor atmosphere.
Taal Volcanic Eruption Could Trigger El Niño
The 2020 Taal volcanic eruption could prompt El Niño warming next winter, with potentially severe consequences on the global climate.
Why Volcanic Eruptions Reduce Rainfall
The stronger the El Niño warming triggered by a volcanic eruption, the greater the subsequent reduction in global rainfall, researchers say.
Ocean Heat May Have Triggered Evolution Of Life
Using computational tools, a research group in India has found that basic chemical reactions producing precursors of proteins and RNA could be driven by heat from the ocean.
‘Iceberg Effect’ Slows Down Global Warming Down South
Using computer simulations of climate change, scientists in South Korea and the US have found that icebergs may be key to slowing down warming of the Southern hemisphere.
China’s Drylands And Deserts Are Expanding
Semi-arid land in China has expanded in recent decades and will probably continue to expand, with implications for food and water security.
Planetary-Scale Cloud Streaks Spotted On Venus
An infrared camera and supercomputer simulations have revealed planet-spanning cloud streaks over the surface of Venus.
As PM2.5 Falls, Ozone Pollution Rises In China
Fine particulate matter in the air, while harmful for health, act as a sponge for free radicals that help produce ozone, according to research by scientists in China and the US.
Ulsan Under Constant Exposure To Toxic Dust
Researchers in South Korea have found that Ulsan is chronically exposed to fine dust containing toxic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.