
Data Reveals A Century Of Spectacular Wheat Yields In China

China's wheat productivity has gone from one tonne per hectare in 1945 to five tonnes per hectare in 2013.

The Master Switch Controlling Plant Growth

The discovery of the protein BSS1 could lead to improved control over crop growth via the brassinosteroid signalling pathway.

Air Pollution Hits Crops More Than Climate Change

Black carbon and ozone may have caused India more than US$5 billion in losses to wheat and rice crops.

Farming Goes To Town

Urban farming could improve food security but also increases the competition between urban and rural water needs.

Asia’s Invisible Women Farmers

Technology support for farmers should address the needs of women, who provide more than half of the agricultural labor input in Asia.

Phablets For Farmers

The inexpensive GreenPHABLET has been designed to support smallholder farmers with personalized advice and real-time alerts.

Gene Regulating Arsenic Uptake Identified

The discovery of a gene which confers arsenic resistance could be used to engineer or breed safer food crops.

Pinot Noir Grapes Owe A Debt To Ancient Viruses

Viruses have shaped the evolution of Pinot Noir grapes, scientists say.

Vietnam Eyes Water-Saving Tech For Rice Farms

Although alternate wetting and drying technology can reduce water usage and greenhouse gas emissions, getting rice farmers to adopt this practice could be difficult.