
Keeping Data Under Lock And Key

In light of the recent revelations on mass surveillance programmes, SMU Professor Pang Hwee Hwa’s research into enhancing data privacy may bring relief to both companies and individuals alike.

Trial Set For World’s First Leprosy Vaccine

Developed by IDRI and ALM over the last 12 years, the first leprosy vaccine is slated for Phase I clinical trials by 2015.

Gravitating To Singapore

Seeking to study the effects of gravity on muscle mass in humans, Dr. Alfredo Franco-Obregón left the research group he founded at ETH to come to Singapore. He shares his experiences with Asian Scientist.

Developing Nations Show Extremes In Research Gender Balance

Both the highest and lowest female to male researcher ratios come from the developing world. However, more data needs to be collected to get a clearer picture, Jan Piotrowski says.

South Asia Lacks Predictive Model For Aerosols

South Asia requires a more accurate model of aerosol behavior in the region for better predictions of the spread of disease and flight disruptions, scientists say.

Averting A Post-Antibiotic Era In Asia-Pac

Research into new classes of antibiotics and stronger regulation are needed to prevent the slide into a post-antibiotic era, Crispin Maslog says.

Information Deficits In India’s Higher Education

To improve the quality of education in India, higher education institutions should submit information to the authorities, says Prof. Pushkar of BITS Pilani.

Hotter Nights May Cause Rice Yield To Fall

As night temperatures cross the 23 degrees Celsius threshold, scientists call for the development of temperature-resistant rice varieties.

Leprosy Staging Comeback In Myanmar

Since meeting an interim target on leprosy in 2003, elimination efforts in Myanmar have taken a back seat to other infectious diseases.