Septia Nurmala


Septia Nurmala is a recent graduate from Pharmacy Professional Degree program, Universitas Indonesia where she focused on how medicines are regulated. As a writer who covers just about anything—from molecular scale to population level, she hopes to showcase the human narratives driving scientific discoveries and increase accessibility.

Stories by Septia Nurmala

Corals Punish Selfish Algae

Corals cut off nutrient supply to algae living inside them, if the algae don’t share their nutrients with corals.

Tracking Cannabinoids Abuse

A research team from Singapore has developed a urine test to detect the abuse of synthetic cannabinoids in the country.

Bacteria Inside Nematodes Could Lead To Better TB Treatment

Researchers have extracted a chemical compound, evybactin, from bacteria living inside nematode, that successfully targets TB causing bacteria.

Boosting Efficiency Of Solar Cells

South Korean researchers improve the power conversion efficiency of solar cells using an unconventional water-treatment method.

Mahalingam Govindaraj Wins The Norman Borlaug Field Award

The award recognizes scientific contributions of Govindaraj, an Indian scientist, in developing biofortified crops

Probing The Ocean Before The Storm

A study by researchers in Hong Kong and London suggests that atmosphere climate models including ocean systems are better in predicting storm behavior