Prime Sarmiento


Prime Sarmiento is a Manila-based travel and science journalist. She specializes in reporting on health, environment and agriculture in Southeast Asia.

Stories by Prime Sarmiento

In Search Of A Good Dam On The Mekong

Plans to harness hydropower potential in the Lower Mekong Basin for the first time has led to a search for a good dam.

Mekong Dam May Cause Food Security Threat, Study

The planned hydropowered dams on the Mekong River could jeopardize food security for 60 million people, according to a study.

Thai Official In Plagiarism Dispute Found Guilty Of Forgery

A senior Thai official involved in a four-year-old dispute over academic plagiarism has been convicted of forgery by a court in Bangkok.

Chulalongkorn Uni Withdraws PhD Of Thai Innovation Agency Chief

Chulalongkorn University is at the center of the storm surrounding a Thai official plagiarism case.

Thai Innovation Agency Chief Caught In Plagiarism Saga

One of Thailand's top universities is under fire for not taking action on allegations that innovation agency director Supachai Lorlowhakarn copied parts of his Ph.D. thesis.