Jacklin Kwan


Jacklin has recently graduated with a Masters in physics at the University of Manchester. With a life-long passion for writing and science communication, she's now interning with Asian Scientist Magazine. Jacklin plans to pursue science journalism as her future career.

Stories by Jacklin Kwan

Asia’s Scientific Trailblazers: Maoi Arroyo

Biologist by training and entrepreneur by spirit, Maoi Arroyo aspires to build a strong biotechnology ecosystem in the Philippines.

SpooQy Nanosatellite Packs A Quantum Punch

Entangled signals from a low-cost nanosatellite beamed to ground stations on Earth could form the foundations of a new quantum internet, researchers say.

Building The Foundations Of 5G (VIDEO)

CEO of Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, Eugene Fitzgerald, is leading a team to develop the next generation of computer chips.