AsianScientist (Nov. 30, 2016) – Singapore-based research institutes and universities are adopting a unified set of standards for research publications, with the aim of harmonizing policies and further establishing Singapore’s commitment to research integrity.
The Agency for Science, Technology and Research, the National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University and the Singapore University of Technology and Design have issued a joint statement outlining research publication principles that will allow these institutions to maintain the highest standards of research and publication ethics. The full statement may be found here.
The statement has its roots in the Singapore Statement of Research Integrity issued in 2010, which aimed to develop unified codes of conduct and policies that would further greater research integrity worldwide. The Statement was developed as part of the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity in 2010, held in Singapore.
The four organizations are currently in discussions with other institutes of higher learning and grant-administrating bodies on further adoption and commitment to a Singapore-wide statement.
Source: Nanyang Technological University; Photo: Shutterstock.
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