DNA Origami Creates 2D Structures

Scientists from Australia and the US have used DNA origami methods to turn one-dimensional nanomaterials into two dimensional structures.

AsianScientist (Jun 9, 2014) – A team of scientists from Australia and the US has developed a method to turn one-dimensional nanomaterials into two dimensional structures, potentially enhancing transmission speeds and compactness of fiber optics and electronic devices.

Called DNA origami, the method employs approximately 200 short DNA strands to direct longer strands in forming specific shapes. The team, led by senior author and DNA nanotechnology pioneer Professor Nadrian Seeman from New York University, used a collection of 20 DNA double helices to form a nanotube large enough to house amyloid fibrils, which are rods of aggregated proteins matching the strength of spider silk.

According to the research, which was published in Nature Nanotechnology, the nanotube platform builds the fibrils by combining the properties of the nanotube with a synthetic peptide fragment that is placed within. The fibril-filled nanotubes are subsequently organized into two-dimensional structures through a series of DNA-DNA hybridization interactions.

“If we can manipulate the orientations of fibrils, we can do the same with other linear materials in the future,” said Professor Seeman. “If we can make smaller and stronger materials in electronics and photonics, we have the potential to improve consumer products.”

The article can be found at: Udomprasert et al. (2014) Amyloid fibrils nucleated and organized by DNA origami constructions.


Source: New York University; Photo: fdecomite/Flickr/CC.
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Alan Aw is a maths enthusiast who likes sharing the fun and beauty of science with others. Besides reading, he enjoys running, badminton, and listening to (and occasionally playing) Bach or Zez Confrey.

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