AsianScientist (Apr. 2, 2014) — Businesses relying on information and communications technology (ICT) stand to benefit from a new initiative launched by the Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), a research institute under Singapore’s Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR).
In March 2014, A*STAR’s I2R officially opened REACH@I2R, which seeks to promote a vibrant ICT ecosystem and build on the momentum gained from earlier collaborations with industry partners.
The hub comprises 13 joint laboratories with various local and international organizations such as DBS Bank, SingTel, China’s Baidu Inc. and Japan’s NEC. These joint laboratories enable I2R to apply its resources to meet the specific needs of the industry and accelerate the development of technology capabilities with its partners.
First kick-started in July 2012, the hub has seen the development of technologies that have translated into industrial applications. These include a voice recognition program for China’s Lenovo A685 smartphone and vision-related technology for the National Healthcare Group’s Eye Institute at Tan Tock Seng Hospital in Singapore.
Source: Agency for Science, Technology and Research.
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