
Omnivorous Turtles More Likely To Consume Marine Debris

Omnivorous green turtles seem to have a harder time than carnivorous loggerhead turtles at distinguishing artificial marine debris from food.

Turtle Hatchlings Lend Each Other A Flipper To Save Energy

A study has shown that turtle hatchlings lend each other a flipper digging out of the sand to save energy.

Japan Asks CITES To Protect Rare Turtle

Japan is asking the world's governments to help protect the Ryukyu Black-breasted Leaf Turtle, a rare turtle found on only three small islands in the Okinawa group.

Indonesia Opens First Shark And Manta Ray Sanctuary

The 46,000 square kilometer sanctuary is the first to be established in the Coral Triangle, and also provides protection to dugongs, whales, turtles, and dolphins.

Huge Jurassic Fossil Turtle Graveyard Found in China

Paleontologists from Germany have made a spectacular find of 1,800 fossilized turtles from the Jurassic era in China’s northwest province of Xinjiang.

Chinese Soft-Shelled Turtles Urinate Through Their Mouths

Scientists in Singapore have discovered that soft-shelled turtles excrete waste urea through gill-like projections in their mouths.