kyoto university

Chaos Theory Strengthens Digital Locks

Japanese researchers report definitive proof of invulnerability for a digital lock based on the principles of chaos theory.

Artificial Intelligence Used To Decode Brain Signals And Read Minds

Researchers have used artificial intelligence to predict what a person sees or imagines based on brain scans.

Can You See What I See?

A study by researchers at Kyoto University shows that visual perception may depend on birthplace and environment.

These Ants Go Crazy For Eggs

Workers of the invasive yellow crazy ant species lay eggs that can serve as a source of food for the colony when times are tough.

A Spider’s ‘Bite’ Sends Antibodies Into Cells

Scientists have used reengineered spider venom toxin to help antibodies escape endosomes once inside the cell.

Babies Are Born To Love Heroes

Infants as young as six months old can recognize and appreciate heroic acts, according to a study by Japanese researchers.

How Beneficial Gut Bacteria Thrive On Breastmilk

Different strains of beneficial gut bacteria have evolved independent mechanisms to make the most of the sugars found in breastmilk.

Reconstructing Astronomical Events With Ancient Texts

Literature, tree ring dating and space observations have come together in a unique study to shed light on ancient astronomical events.

T-CiRA & RIKEN To Tackle Rare Disease With iPS Cells

CiRA of Kyoto University, Takeda and RIKEN are collaborating to discover a drug for a rare genetic disorder called NGLY1 deficiency.