institute of molecular and cell biology

Fish T1K Project To Study Fish Evolution & Genetics

CNGB has launched the Fish T1K project, a study designed to unveil the mysteries of the origin, evolution and diversification of the largest group of vertebrates.

MicroRNA Acts As Genetic Switch For Breast Cancer Spread

Queensland scientists have identified a genetic “switch” that indicates whether a woman’s breast cancer will spread.

Wip1 Phosphatase Target May Help Nip Cancer In The Bud

A*STAR scientists have discovered that the enzyme Wip1 phosphatase may be a potential target to halt the progression of cancer.

Genes Behind Aggressive Brain Tumors In Children Revealed

Researchers have pinpointed the genes that may cause medulloblastoma, the most aggressive and frequent form of brain tumor in children.

New View Of Dengue Fever

Researchers have produced a “humanized mouse” to study how the mosquito-borne dengue virus depletes blood platelets.

New Test For Epigenetic Abnormalities In Embryos

Scientists in Singapore have developed a novel assay that can detect epigenetic changes in a single cell.

New Biomarker For Precision Cancer Therapy Identified

A team of scientists have discovered that cancer patients with high levels of the PRL-3 protein may benefit from EGFR-targeting drugs.

Genome Of “Living Fossil” May Help Explain How Limbs Evolved From Fins

Scientists have sequenced the genome of the coelacanth, an enigmatic prehistoric fish, providing valuable insights into how aquatic animals may have evolved limbs to live on land millions of years ago.

Researchers Identify New Type Of Intestinal Lymphoma

Researchers have identified a new type of deadly intestinal lymphoma that is particularly common in Asia.