institute for integrated cell material sciences
One Synthetic Molecule, Two Doorways Into The Cell
Using a rhodium cuboctahedron, researchers have built a synthetic ion channel that could be used to regulate the movement of molecules across the cell membrane.
New Fluorescent Probes Help Solve Cell Membrane Mystery
Researchers have succeeded at observing how raft domains, active sections of the cell membrane with special groups of molecules, form in live cells.
Gold Nanorods Provide Targeted Pain Relief
Scientists have used lipoprotein coated gold nanorods to desensitize pain receptors in cell culture.
Observing DNA In A Tiny Worm
Super-resolution microscopes have shed light on the importance of the protein PP4 in meiosis, the process that gives rise to sex cells.
Selectively Filtering Out Carbon Dioxide
Scientists have developed a membrane that selects for carbon dioxide while allowing air to pass through 100 times faster than existing polymers.