asian development bank

Asia’s Consuming Classes & The Environment

How Asia's growing class of consumers decides to spend their money will have major consequences for the environment, writes Adrian Hayes.

Energy Security In The Asian Century

Asia's energy use would lead to a doubling of carbon dioxide emissions unless it fundamentally changes the way it consumes energy, says a new ADB report.

Three-Quarters Of Asia-Pacific Nations ‘Lack Water Security’

About 75 percent of emerging economies in the Asia-Pacific region suffer from low levels of water security, according to a new Asian Development Bank study.

Asian Development Bank President Haruhiko Kuroda Steps Down

The Asian Development Bank's longest serving president, Haruhiko Kuroda, stepped down today after eight years at its helm.

Philippines To Launch 100,000 Eco-Friendly ‘E-Trikes’

The Philippines plans to introduce electronic tricycle taxis to replace its petrol-fueled models, in a move that could cut carbon dioxide emissions by a quarter of million tons.

‘Super’ Rice Bags That Keep Bugs At Bay

An airtight, reusable plastic bag that protects rice seeds from moisture and pests may help farmers keep their rice seeds viable for longer periods.

ADB Secures US$12 Billion To Help Asia’s Poorest

The Asian Development Bank has secured US$12.4 billion for the next four years to fight poverty in the Asia-Pacific region.

12 Things To Know In 2012: Urbanization In Asia

Asia is moving into an era of unprecedented urbanization, a change bringing prosperity and problems. Here are 12 facts and figures from the Asian Development Bank about the rise of the city.

Japan Gives Philippines DepEd $1.5 Million For Preschool Education

A new ADB, Japan grant will see the construction of 60 preschools across the Philippines, giving hope to thousands of poor and malnourished children.