academia sinica
Signs of Supereruptions: The Magma Beneath Toba
By combining geologic dating with computer modeling, scientists have discovered that constant magma build-up fueled Toba’s supereruptions, the largest in Earth’s history.
Asia’s “Father of Aquaculture” Wins 24th Nikkei Asia Prize
Taiwanese shrimp farming pioneer Liao I-chiu won in the science and technology category for his contributions to the development of aquaculture in Asia.
Antioxidants Prevent Sexual Transmission Of Zika Virus In Mice
The antioxidant drug ebselen can prevent sexual transmission of Zika from male to female mice, according to research by scientists in Taiwan.
Air Pollution Linked To Lower Sperm Quality
An international team of scientists have demonstrated that prolonged exposure to particulate matter in the air could affect sperm quality.
Chinese Scientist Wins 2016 Tang Prize For CRISPR-Cas9 Breakthrough
The Prize honors Drs. Emmanuelle Charpentier, Jennifer A. Doudna and Zhang Feng, all of whom contributed to the development of precision gene editing tools.
Gaps In Young Star’s Gas Disk Could Indicate Baby Planets
Two gaps in the gas disk around the young star, HL Tauri, are evidence of what might be newly-formed planets—challenging the belief that planets take millions of years to form.
Growing Calls For Academia Sinica’s President Wong Chi-Huey To Resign
Taiwan's Legislative Yuan has called for the resignation of Academia Sinica's President Wong Chi-Huey over his daughter's sale of shares in OBI Pharma, a Taiwanese biotech company.
Sugars, Science & Society
Professor Wong Chi-Huey, president of Academia Sinica of Taiwan, has built his career on carbohydrates. He shares his motivations for research and the impact science can have on society.
Hu Chenming Awarded US National Medal Of Technology & Innovation
Professor Hu Chenming was recognized for his contributions to microelectronics, which are now used industry-wide.
A Rare Glimpse Of An Einstein Ring’s Blackhole
The highest-ever resolution images of the SDP.81 galaxy have shed light on a supermassive black hole 300 million times the mass of the Sun.