Juliana Chan


Juliana is the founder and CEO of Wildtype Media Group, Asia's leading STEM-focused media company, spanning digital, print, custom publishing and events. Brands under Wildtype Group include Asian Scientist Magazine and Supercomputing Asia, award-winning titles available in print and online. Juliana regularly moderates panel discussions and gives talks on science communication.

Stories by Juliana Chan

BGI: The Kung Fu Panda Of The Genomic World

BGI Executive Director Dr. Wang Jun explains to Asian Scientist Magazine why the kung fu panda best describes the Chinese world leader in human, plant, and animal genetics research.

Will Singaporeans Stop Breeding In 2030?

As the population density rises in Singapore, Juliana Chan writes that fertility rates will likely take an even deeper plunge.

Failure Is Part Of The Job Description: GYSS@one-north

As the Global Young Scientists Summit wraps up on Friday, I hope that the 280 attendees will have renewed confidence that it is OK to fail at something they love doing.

Death By Numbers

New research suggests a far higher swine flu death toll, largely in Southeast Asia and Africa.

The WHO Dealmakers: Sending Vaccine Technology To The Third World

Empowering countries to make their own vaccines may sound like a herculean task, but it is all in a day's work for the Technology Transfer Initiative team at the World Health Organization.

Ground Control To Major Liu

It's a double first for China as it launches its first woman astronaut into space to assist with the country's first orbital docking. And they are just getting started.

Feeling Safe Again After Fukushima

The government has to be more transparent in its policies and communicate them better to the public, says a Japanese scientist one year after the Fukushima nuclear plant accident.

Experts Discuss Asia’s R&D Future At Tokyo Conference

Science policy makers in Asia must focus on innovation and cut out programs that don't work, urged two science experts from Taiwan and Japan.

Asian Scientist Chats With Prof. Warwick Anderson, CEO Of Australia’s NHMRC

At the recent A*STAR-NHMRC joint symposium, Asian Scientist Magazine sat down for a chat with Prof. Warwick Anderson, CEO of Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council.