Agilent & DGIST To Launch Neurometabolomics Lab

Agilent Technologies and DGIST have launched a new Neurometabolomics Excellence Research Center in Daegu, South Korea.

AsianScientist (Nov. 6, 2013) – Agilent Technologies and the Korea-based Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology are collaborating on the launch of DGIST’s new Neurometabolomics Excellence Research Center.

The center will use Agilent’s bioanalytical instruments to identify new biomarkers for the early detection and diagnosis of brain diseases.

Neurometabolomics is the set of biochemical reactions that rely on oxygen and glucose for the brain to perform its tasks. At the new center, scientists and researchers will analyze changes in the metabolism of brain cells and examine their impact on the body’s physiological function and behavior.

The center will serve as a hub of shared expertise that will include the research capabilities of the Johns Hopkins University Center for Metabolism and Obesity Research in the US and major medical institutions and hospitals in Daegu, South Korea. It will also train and develop scientists, researchers and chemists to fill the need for skilled talent in neuroscience research.

Aside from biomarker research, the center will also conduct neurometabolomics research projects that involve other fields of studies such as medicine, neurobiology, statistics, computer science and systems biology. There will be potential joint research with major educational and medical institutions elsewhere in South Korea, Singapore and Australia.

“The brain is arguably the most important organ in the human body, and Agilent supports the quest to help scientific and medical communities further neuroscience discovery for the good of mankind,” said Rod Minett, general manager of Agilent’s life sciences business in South Korea and the South Asia Pacific region.


Source: Agilent Technologies.
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